The future has begun!
With the annual education festival, the POLARITY CENTER presents the latest findings in neurology, medicine, pedagogy, psychology, quantum physics and trauma research in a comprehensible form.
Every year, three leading international experts from different disciplines are invited to the Education Festival - pioneers of theory and practice in their respective fields, who apply their knowledge in the therapeutic, educational, social and management fields.
The Education Festival is one of the summer festivals that have enriched culture, music and film since the 1970s, but not education!
– Registration
The culture of the summer festivals
The educational festival is part of the culture of summer festivals, which has developed continuously since the 1970s of the 20th century. At first it was the open-air concerts, the mostly rock or blues music festivals, which enriched our social life. Later, classical concert organizers followed suit and the classic festivals began to boom, hardly any branch of music did not follow suit. Open-air theatre festivals also became happenings.
In the 1990s, film festivals began to sprout up everywhere and bring people together far beyond the realm of cinema. Education has remained the exception to this social development towards cultural encounters of a festival character. This continued to take place either at cortically influenced specialist congresses or in the mostly unlovingly equipped learning rooms of the divergent educational institutions. Cramming, working, learning by the head, almost only outside-in, "must do" instead of "juhui" - education is still part of our lives today. This is where we want to counteract with the education festival.
Growth from within: Cultivating the Inside-Out
The education festival should also make learning an experience for adults again. Through a good combination of theory, dialogue, brain-, heart- and bodystorming, as well as personal experiences, discussions, adventures, artistic encounters and thereby possible inner insights, education should become conscious of something that not only brings greater professional competence and increased expert knowledge, but also an optimized combination of professional, social and personal competence and learning from joy and enthusiasm.
Experiential learning
and growth
The neurobiological research of the last years demands for modern pedagogical support to enable implicit learning. This form of learning changes the structures of the brain, connects nerve tracts, forms new synapses and leads us to completely new cognitive, emotional and social life skills. Inside and outside, subjective and objective, consciousness and form no longer need to be kept separate. If we succeed in strengthening the dynamics of powerful polarities while consciously holding the bull by both horns, we can draw from the abundance.
Dr. Urs Honauer
Dr. Urs Honauer ist Leiter des Zentrums für Innere Ökologie und des Polarity Bildungszentrums in Zürich sowie Initiator des Bildungsfestivals in Weggis. Er ist seit vielen Jahren in der Erwachsenenbildung tätig und unterrichtet dabei u.a. SOMATIC EXPERIENCING (SE), Polarity und authentischer Kommunikation (AK).
In seiner Praxis für Innere Ökologie in Zürich arbeitet er mit Menschen jeden Alters (vom Baby bis zum Senior). Er ist der Entdecker des Kommunikationsmodells „authentischer Kommunikation (AK)“. Studienabschluss in Pädagogischer Psychologie, Sonderpädagogik und Publizistik; Promotion im Bereich Sozialpädagogik an der Universität Zürich; Masters in Psychotraumatologie an der Psychiatrischen Polyklinik der Universität Zürich. Studien in Polarity Therapie und
Craniosacralem Balancing bei Dr. John Beaulieu in New York sowie Geburtstraumenarbeit bei Dr. Ray Castellino, Prozessorientierte Psychologie bei Dr. Arnold Mindell, Somatic Experiencing bei Dr. Peter A. Levine.