Prof. Dr. Daniel N. Stern

Prof. Daniel N. Stern (August 16, 1934 in New York City) is a prominent psychiatrist and psychoanalytic theorist, specializing in infant development, on which he has written a number of books - most notably The Interpersonal World of the Infant (1985). He currently lives in Genf, Switzerland. Daniel Stern's research and conceptualization have created a bridge between psychoanalysis and research-based developmental models. Daniel N. Stern went to Harvard University as an undergraduate, from 1952 to 1956. He then attended Albert Einstein Medical College, completing his M.D. in 1960. He continued his educational career doing research at the NIH in psychopharmacology from 1962-1964. In 1964, Stern decided to specialize in psychiatric care, completing his residency at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons. In 1972, he started a psychoanalytic education at Columbia University Center for Psychoanalytic Training and Research. For more than forty years he has worked in research and practice as well in developmental psychology and psychodynamic psychotherapy. In his research he dedicated his time to the observation of infants and to clinical reconstruction of early experiences. His efforts contribute to currently existing developmental theories. He is well known as an expert researcher of early affective mother-child bonding. Research and discoveries on the field of affective bonding was one of his leading activities. At this moment, Daniel N. Stern is an honorary professor in Psychology at the University of Geneva, adjunct professor in the department of Psychiatry at the Cornell University Medical School and a lecturer at the Columbia University Center for Psychoanalytic Training and Research. He holds an Honorary Doctorate at the Universities of Copenhagen, Dk; Palermo, It; Mons Hainaut, Be; Alborg, Dk; Padua, It.

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