Maggie Kline

Maggie Kline has been a marriage, family, child therapist for almost 25 years and is a retired school psychologist. She uses Somatic Experiencing with individual and couple’s psychotherapy. She also integrates S.E. with art, dream work and play when working with children and teens. Maggie is a senior Somatic Experiencing instructor teaching internationally. She assisted Dr. Peter Levine in developing the Sounds True audio programs for healing childhood and sexual trauma. Maggie co-authored It Won’t Hurt Forever--Guiding Your Child through Trauma (Mothering Magazine, Jan-Feb 2002), and Trauma through a Child’s Eyes--Awakening the Ordinary Miracle of Healing (North Atlantic, 2007)—both with Dr. Peter Levine. Their latest book, Trauma Proofing Your Kids—A Parents’ Guide to Instilling Confidence, Joy and Resilience was released in March 2008.

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